Thursday, November 03, 2005

How Much More Are

The little people going to be able to give. Homes, children, dreams and the future are all gone.
Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Family Loses Home to Katrina, Son to War: "Oneoto-Sikorski was serving in Iraq with the 155th Brigade Combat Team with the mother of his children, Clare Ranger. The 155th, which is made up of about 3,500 Mississippi National Guard soldiers and others from more than a dozen states, is scheduled to begin returning in waves from Iraq by the end of the year.

While in Iraq, storm surge from the hurricane flooded both his mother's home and his own. But in one of their last phone conversations, they looked to the future and talked about his homecoming.

``I told him, 'Please be careful, you just have two more months. You just have two more months,''' Oneto said.

The back-to-back tragedy has fueled anger for some in Oneto-Sikorski's family. Like other hurricane victims, the family has had a difficult time getting relief and his mother is still waiting for a trailer from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said his aunt, Eloise Kindja.

``What more does she have to give to the country?'' Kindja asked. ``She gave her only son.''"
According to the conservatives, that is not enough. If the mother is also killed in Iraq and the kids are to be raised by their grandmother, guess what? There will be no support money from the government to raise those
kids. Here is a little glimpse of the future.
"Still another House provision would roll back a court-ordered expansion of foster care support, denying foster care payments to relatives who take in children removed from their parents' homes by court order. That provision would reduce the coverage of foster care payments to about 4,000 children a month and cut $397 million from the program through 2010, the CBO said.

"Why would we want to do anything to discourage a family member from taking in a child who has been abandoned or neglected by his birth family?" asked Rep. Heather A. Wilson (R-N.M.), who has told House leaders she cannot support the legislation."
If you think that once this program is enacted that they won't include anyone who takes in a child for any reason, you are sorely mistaken.

Compassionate Conservatism my posterior.

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