Saturday, January 07, 2006

I Think He's Angry

Last year would have been a good time for the press to speak up and done a little journalistic sleuthing, instead of swallowing what they were told. Frank is right up there with MoDo (as if I know them) when it comes to a silkily sarcastic turn of phrase as he points out the danger the country is in from incompetence and malfeasance. Aah, if people had only been paying attention sooner.
The Wiretappers That Couldn't Shoot Straight - New York Times: "The louder the reports of failures on this president's watch, the louder he tries to drown them out by boasting that he has done everything 'within the law' to keep America safe and by implying that his critics are unpatriotic, if not outright treasonous. Mr. Bush certainly has good reason to pump up the volume now. In early December the former 9/11 commissioners gave the federal government a report card riddled with D's and F's on terrorism preparedness.

The front line of defense against terrorism is supposed to be the three-year-old, $40-billion-a-year Homeland Security Department, but news of its ineptitude, cronyism and no-bid contracts has only grown since Katrina. The Washington Post reported that one Transportation Security Administration contract worth up to $463 million had gone to a brand-new company that (coincidentally, we're told) contributed $122,000 to a powerful Republican congressman, Harold Rogers of Kentucky. An independent audit by the department's own inspector general, largely unnoticed during Christmas week, found everything from FEMA to border control in some form of disarray.

Yet even as this damning report was released, the president forced cronies into top jobs in immigration enforcement and state and local preparedness with recess appointments that bypassed Congressional approval. Last week the department had the brilliance to leave Las Vegas off its 2006 list of 35 'high threat' urban areas - no doubt because Mohammed Atta was so well behaved there when plotting the 9/11 attacks.

THE warrantless eavesdropping is more of the same incompetence. Like our physical abuse of detainees and our denial of their access to due process, this flouting of the law may yet do as much damage to fighting the war on terrorism as it does to civil liberties."

What civil liberties?

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