Wednesday, March 07, 2007

News Bites

Another ridiculously obvious study has been completed. It seems that people judge you on your looks in the workplace. Clean, polished and well dressed equal competence in most people's eyes. Alert the media. Physical attractiveness creates a halo around a person. No kidding.

Libby, Libby, Libby on the label, label, label. Do you think that somehow there's a pardon on the table? It didn't take much to distract people from the Walter Reed saga. Or Iraq.

The crazy astronaut story is back again, she's forcibly unemployed. Brangelina are adopting again and the usual blond bimbettes are keeping up with each other's stupidity. Could we please have real news for a change?

Okay, let's go over this one more time. The government's job is to protect its citizens. This includes helping them to recover from disasters and it shouldn't be dependent on a specific dollar amount. I guess when you're poor, you don't need or deserve help. Even if it is just a few miles away and helping nobody else. Welcome to BushMerika, where only the rich get help.

Another intelligently planned raid. Offering the parents the option of state care is just stupid. Punishing the immigrants after what they had already been through, is shortsighted and foolish. The emotional trauma to a child who thinks it has been abandoned, is never fully erased. Yes, immigrant children love their parents too.


  1. Libby, Libby, Libby on the label, label, label. Do you think that somehow there's a pardon on the table?

    I think that this really should be:

    When we talk Libby, Libby, Libby
    Facing jail-o, jail-o, jail-o
    They'll be a pardon, pardon, pardon
    'Neath the table, table, table.

    :-) :-) :-)

  2. I wonder if Marc Rich will ask for him to be pardoned.

    Turnabout's fairplay. Or so the saying goes.
