Monday, July 30, 2007

Random Flickr Blogging 1922

IMG_1922, originally uploaded by datkat.

Tired of crowded airports, anxious children and obnoxious flight attendants? Are you worried that your pilot may had more to drink than you? The new Short-Range Hydrogen Individualized Transport Service has you in mind. You control everything, from the time you leave to how high and how far you go. Enjoy the peace and quiet as you travel to your destination with the brilliant panorama of nature floating beneath you.

Individual landings may vary in speed and intensity.

Random Flickr blogging explained.


  1. Good one, Deb. The only downside is the Fifth Dimension singing constantly in the background. You do hear that in the background, don't you?

  2. S.H.I.T.S.? They coulda thought that name through a little better, eh?

  3. I could have called it the Hindenburg transport vehicle but it wasn't as much fun. HTV just didn't have the same ring to it.

  4. While we're on the subject...What's the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg? One is a flaming gasbag, and the other is a dirigible.

  5. "...and the length of the runway is, quite frankly, not relevant!"

  6. I wondered about the acronym myself, but wouldn't it be SRHITS?

    Also -- you could probably power one of these things all day long with just a few minutes of a typical Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage radio show.

  7. That's why I put the hyphen in, to give the illusion of just one word.
