Thursday, August 25, 2005

President of Leisure

My mom is 75, she works 5 days a week in a small business and her taking an extra day off requires that her bosses wife work for her. I'm going to let her know that she seems to be more indispensable than the chief executive of a large country.

President of Leisure: "Bush achieved a leisure landmark this month. The previous record for presidential slacking-off was 335 days. On August 18, Bush surpassed that number of days off, and he still has more than three years left in his second term.

Britain's Financial Times newspaper has dubbed Bush 'the best-rested president in U.S. history.'

That's a dubious distinction for a man who is not known for his attention to detail. Critics have not hesitated to suggest that the President's rest-ethic has cost the country dearly--after all, it was in August 2001, during the President's first extended stay in Crawford, that a briefing paper crossed Bush's desk detailing Osama bin Laden's intention to launch terrorist attacks within the United States. Instead of putting the country on high alert, the President put the report aside and continued relaxing--returning to Washington only a few days before the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

While Bush may not be very good at managing major endeavors--he ran four corporations into the ground and then took a make-work job as a baseball team executive before finally turning to the family business of politics--the President is no slacker when it comes to rest and relaxation.

Now, if only he'd help the rest of us to get a break.


I need to work on getting a balanced life. I keep forgetting the vacation part.

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