Friday, April 21, 2006

Vioxx, Viagra, Thalidomide and Antidepressants for Children are OK

But the poor widdle babies couldn't find any positive information on marijuana after 1000's of years of use. Does royalty count anymore? Wonder what Queen Elizabeth I would have said about her cramps and the use of marijuana that helped her?

Couldn't they have released this story yesterday? A little more impact (known as timing), and we all could have had a laugh. Bet they don't even know the significance since these guys are so clueless they shouldn't be allowed to determine if water is healthy and food is clean and edible for consumption. Oh yeah, they've already done that in some parts of the country and been proven wrong. The FDA has approved so many drugs that KILL people by prescription, they shouldn't be allowed to park a car in a warehouse parking lot.
F.D.A. Dismisses Medical Benefit From Marijuana - New York Times: "Susan Bro, an agency spokeswoman, said Thursday's statement resulted from a past combined review by federal drug enforcement, regulatory and research agencies that concluded 'smoked marijuana has no currently accepted or proven medical use in the United States and is not an approved medical treatment.'

Ms. Bro said the agency issued the statement in response to numerous inquiries from Capitol Hill but would probably do nothing to enforce it.

'Any enforcement based on this finding would need to be by D.E.A. since this falls outside of F.D.A.'s regulatory authority,' she said.

Eleven states have legalized medicinal use of marijuana, but the Drug Enforcement Administration and the director of national drug control policy, John P. Walters, have opposed those laws.

A Supreme Court decision last year allowed the federal government to arrest anyone using marijuana, even for medical purposes and even in states that have legalized its use.

Congressional opponents and supporters of medical marijuana use have each tried to enlist the F.D.A. to support their views. Representative Mark Souder, Republican of Indiana and a fierce opponent of medical marijuana initiatives, proposed legislation two years ago that would have required the food and drug agency to issue an opinion on the medicinal properties of marijuana."
This country is fracturing and the sooner the elder generation dies off, the better chance we have of surviving. After the two drugs they gave me over the last month, both of which had major side effects, actually worse than the symptoms, these guys only approve what they are paid for. If you are a drug company, you pay a doctor to do "research", submit it for review in a journal that has "suspicious" backing and now it is true so the FDA can "approve" it, until the lawsuits start coming in. How much was that Vioxx payout?

Bro, you need to chill and quit listening to paid shills.

Oh and I trust the DEA like I trust Bush, Cheney (didn't he shoot someone in the face under circumstances that involved drugs and or alcohol?) or Rumsfeld. Those guys were smoking something when they concocted the Iraq invasion and have found a stronger version now that they want a nuclear strike on Iran. Maybe the DEA should start a little closer to home and investigate the mind altering substances being used in the White House to justify their every mistake.

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