Saturday, January 20, 2007

Stupidity, Ingenuity And Ain't Going To Happen

Have you ever known anyone who spent more time avoiding work than it would actually take to do the job? This woman thought she was quite ingenious but that written trail came back to haunt her. No unemployment for her.

I'm thinking "what a great idea" until I get to the part about construction starting in 2012. The idea is almost obsolete and by 2012, most certainly will be. It might be more effective to invent some type of automatic transportation system. You lock your car on to some rails or some type of track that moves the vehicles and leaves less room for human error, then a straight shot between the 5 and the 101. The more time goes on, the more I doubt that we walked on the moon.

This kid needs to be punished and rewarded at the same time. His persistence and ingenuity are remarkable and his outfoxing of airport security reveals more than one flaw in the futile effort to protect air passengers. Remember when the guy mailed himself?

Well, why can't we have one? I'm just not fond of the cult of personality that is forming.

I've decided to run for president. Everyone else is.

1 comment:

  1. I second your nomination, especially if you can fix the Pacheco Pass thing, the Bay Bridge thing, the Treasure Island thing, the 880/680 thing, the BART thing, the...

    On second thought, maybe you should run for governor. You could start with something more manageable for your first elected office.
